As seen on SFTW – The blade like springs for your feet! As seen on Something for the Weekend, the Tramp It Jump Shoes are a fun way to get fit and will put a real spring in your step! As Tim Lovejoy and Lucy Hedges bounced round the studio, Gok Wan was suitably impressed, […]
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The MusucBag wearable sleeping bag as seen on This Morning
As seen on This Morning – The Sleeping Bag you can wear! As seen on This Morning‘s travel gadget and gizmo section, Steve Wilson introduced Phillip and Jenni to the Musuc Bag wearable sleeping bag. Musuc Bags are a simple, great idea done superbly well, and will allow you all the comfort a normal sleeping […]
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VW Camper Van Tent as seen on ITV1’s This Morning
The VW Camper Van Tent As seen on the travel gadget round up on ITV1’s This Morning, the Campervan Tent is this season’s must have item and probably the coolest tent ever, maaan! The festival season is upon us, but this is one tent you are not likely to leave in a broken, disheveled heap […]
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