The World’s Hottest Vodka as seen on This Morning

100,000 Scovilles Naga Chilli Vodka – Hot to Trot

The Scoville Scale is a measure of the heat of chilli peppers, 100,000 is a big number, the Naga Chilli laughs in the face of the Habanero chilli or Scotch Bonnet pepper; add some Vodka in to the mix and you have a seriously, scarily hot concoction. As seen on This Morning when Philip Schofield and Emma Willis sampled, what has been Officially classed as, the world’s hottest vodka! Luckily they had an ad break to cut to, but they did survive! They should have read the warning on the bottle – it's not supposed to be drank neat. You have been warned! It's just not funny to watch (or video) someone's reaction as they struggle to contend with the volcanic heat…not funny, not funny at all..pft..mwah..mwahahahahhaha.

Click Here To Buy Naga Chilli Vodka at


Philip and Emma enjoying Naga Chilli Vodka

100,000 on the Scoville scale. Off the chart on the Schofield scale


Watch Philip Schofield and Emma Willis taste the Naga Chilli Vodka


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